Siege and Defend is a tactical, two-stage team game designed to challenge strategy, teamwork, and adaptability. It involves two opposing teams: Cartel Team and Marshals, each with specific objectives during both stages. Victory is determined by who controls the most loot by the end of the game.

Siege Team: A Team

Cartel Team: B Team

Start AreaA Team: At the field entrance
B Team: Inside the Field
Fire SelectorA Team: Semi-Auto
B Team: Full-Auto
RespawnsA Team: Unlimited
B Team: None
Props UsedMoney Blocks
Bags of "Cocaine"

Neutralize the Cartel and extract the loot

Additional Info
  • Siege Team Stage 1 – Unlimited Respawns
  • Siege Team Stage 2 – No Respawns & Full Auto


  • Cartel Team Stage 1 – No Respawns
  • Cartel Team Stage 2 – No Respawns
Physical Demands:πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ͺ
Time Required:πŸ•’ πŸ•’
Preparation Time:πŸ› οΈ πŸ› οΈ
Downtime:πŸ›Œ πŸ›Œ
Complexity:🧠 🧠 🧠

Siege and Defend Game Details

Siege and Defend has two stages for both teams.

Stage 1
Cartel Team are to transport their loot to a secure location and place it around the area. They will wait for reinforcements. Meanwhile, the Marshals search the area and eventually the assault begins. The Marshals should try to neutralize the cartel, gather and catalog all the loot before they bring back to their HQ,

Hit cartel members will go to a predetermined area and wait until the hear the alarm.

Stage 2
When the alarm is sounded, cartel members will return to the stronghold area. They will try to take back their loot before it is transported to HQ and store in a secondary location. The Marshals need to plan how to get the loot to HQ by any means necessary.

Siege and Defend - Key Game Mechanics

  • Game will have 2 stages so team leaders must know the game mode.
  • Stage 2, no one can respawn and everyone can use full-auto

Game Rules

Game Time Limit:

    • 15 – 20 minutes to determine the winner

Winning Condition:

    • Whichever team has the most loot at the end either stashed or on the surviving team members win.

    • If stage 2 does not start then the cartel team wins.

Additional Game Information