Army Report

This airsoft game mode features one reporter who will be responsible for taking pictures of certain checkpoints and places of interest. The military’s job is to escort the reporter to as many checkpoints and marked places of interest as possible.

Reporters Team: A Team

Assault Team: B Team


Physical Demands đź’Ş đź’Ş đź’Ş đź’Ş
Time Required đź•’ đź•’ đź•’
Preparation Time 🛠️ 🛠️
Downtime 🛌 🛌
Complexity 🧠 🧠 🧠
Start Area Opposite Ends of the Field
A Team: At the field entrance
B Team: Inside the Field
Scattered throughout the field
Fire Selector A Team: Full-Auto
B Team: Semi-Auto
Respawns A Team: None
B Team: Unlimited
  • Reporter's Team - Guide and protect the reporter as they traverse the field and take pictures
  • Assault Team - Prevent the reporter from taking pictures of key locations
Props Used Camera
Additional Info

If the reporter dies, then the objective is to get their camera and rush it to extraction.

Game Details

In this intense mission, the military squad reaches Checkpoint 2, but the real challenge lies ahead. The enemy lurks at Checkpoint 6, (far right of the map) poised to strike. The military races through Checkpoints 4 and 5, snapping crucial intel photos of a destroyed building and a hidden gun emplacement. They smartly steer clear of the heavily fortified police station and the perilous lagoon, anticipating fierce resistance. Their goal? Capture a vital shot of the entrance at the isolated hut before making a daring dash to the UN van.

But just when the military thinks they've outmanoeuvred the enemy, they walk right into a cunning trap. The enemy has surrounded the van, and the squad is pinned down, facing a brutal ambush!

In this high-stakes game, staying one step ahead is everything. The military must escort their reporter to as many critical points of interest as possible, while the enemy hunts them down, aiming to thin out their ranks and eliminate the reporter.

The clock is ticking, and both teams will face off back-to-back to see who can rack up the most points and claim ultimate victory!

Key Game Mechanics

Points will be awarded for each picture based on the following criteria.

    • Image quality (poor quality - 5 points)

    • Number of soldiers in shot (1 point per troop)

    • Point of Interest in shot (5 points)

    • Action Scene (5 points for a battle shot. If a video of actual action, 15 points)

Game Rules

  • If the reporter is shot, their mission ends and the goal changes to get the camera to the exit.
  • Assault Team are to spread out throughout the field to guard key locations.

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