AOJ Update to Safety Practices

As our community grows and members diversify, we have decided that we need to increase safety and take extra precautions. We’re committed to creating a fun and secure environment where everyone can enjoy the thrill of the game. Today, we are announcing some updates to our policies to create a safe and hopefully problem free environment. We will share how we’re raising the bar to ensure our events are improving.

Safety Measures

We recognize the importance of reinforcing and clarifying our commitment to safety and legal compliance within our community. We are implementing a more robust approach. It is also a transparent approach to our expectations for all community members and leaders. Many of these principles have always been part of our values. Now, we are emphasizing their consistent application more strongly. We are also focusing on their enforcement when a problem arises.

  1. Compliance with Legal Limits
    • We will be having speed checks before the games begin to ensure guns meet legal requirements.
    • Only airsoft guns that are in line with Japan’s Firearm and Sword Possession Control Law are permitted.
    • Any gun over the limit cannot be used.
    • Refusal to participate in the speed check will result in the weapon being confiscated until the end of the day.
  2. On-Site Modifications
    • Any modifications made to your gun during the event will require a re-check to ensure continued compliance with safety rules.

The speed test starts with a long range shot at a target. This checks that the hop-up has not been set to maximum (to lower the velocity). Then, 3 shots are fired into the chronograph. One of the BB’s will be weighed to check the velocity meets requirements. If one shot is slightly over the limit, you will be asked to make adjustments or not use the gun. If the gun is too far over the limit, the police will be contacted.


Our community thrives on sportsmanship and mutual respect. To maintain this atmosphere, we ask everyone to follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Respect Others
    • No physical contact, verbal abuse, or unsportsmanlike behavior will be tolerated. Let’s keep it friendly and fun.
  2. Call Your Hits
    • When hit, loudly call “Hit!” and raise your hand or weapon. Dishonesty undermines the spirit of the game and disrespects other members. Those that break this rule will be given limitations such as no body armour/plate carriers.
  3. Be careful with Headshots
    • To align with best practices for safety and sportsmanship, headshots to the back or side of the head are now prohibited. Headshots should be aimed at hard protective equipment such as helmets or full face masks and not bare skin. Our goal is to maintain a fun, fair, and safe environment for everyone. If you are concerned, please bring adequate face/head protection.
  4. No Overkilling
    • When you shoot someone, be cautious of how many shots hit them and where it hits them. Concentrating multiple shots to an area when you have hit someone is excessive. This is especially important when a person has called their hit.
    • If someone does not call a hit, shoot them again until they do. But remember that armoured areas and things like bushes/fauna etc. will negate the impact of a shot.
    • Those that break this rule will face limitations. They will have no full auto. There will be magazine and BB limits. Alternatively, they might be restricted to handguns only or be sent home.
  5. Follow Leadership
    • Always listen to the instructions of our leaders and game masters. Safety and fairness rely on clear communication and cooperation.
  6. Zero Tolerance for Repeat Offenders
    • Complaints against participants will be taken seriously. A strike system will be implemented.

First Aid

While we already have staff members with first aid qualifications, we are taking further steps to obtain locally recognized certification. This ensures that, in the unlikely event of an injury during our events, proper care will be provided.

We will also be putting together a more comprehensive first aid kit just for AOJ use.

Final Thoughts

These updates reflect our ongoing dedication to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all participants. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we implement these changes. Together, let’s continue building an airsoft community we can all be proud of.

Our full terms and conditions can be found here.

We are always open to feedback and if anyone has any suggestions or concerns they are welcome to comment or message us.

We’re excited to see you at the next event—let’s play safely and have fun!

If you have any questions about these updates, feel free to reach out to us. See you on the field!

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