Camp Devgru – Oct 2024 Wrap Up


AOJ's Vest Bomb
 Bomb Vest Prop

We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who attended our recent airsoft event at Camp Devgru! A special shoutout goes to our regular and elite members—your continued loyalty is what keeps this community thriving.

Over the weekend, we enjoyed two days of intense gameplay, night missions, BBQ, drinks, and camping. The atmosphere was incredible from start to finish, and we believe the event was a huge success.

Here are some highlights from the games. In our new “Stormtrooper Raid,” a twist on the typical assault and defence game, the fire selector was reversed. The attackers, instead of using semi-auto fire, were shooting on full auto, while the defenders were limited to semi-auto. The twist? Attackers could only hip-fire, leading to plenty of missed shots, just like stormtroopers.

Another new game we introduced was “The Vest.” Gathering codes and information to disarm the bomb and save the hostage was a challenge, but the necessity of communicating with each other made the teams bond even stronger.

Our most popular game of the weekend was the “Final Countdown” skirmish. Participants had to find code fragments randomly hidden in the field and bring them back to base. We gave them no instructions on how to decipher the codes and handed each team a Code Breaker after three minutes. Many people collaborated to gather code fragments and figure out the disarm sequence. The Red Team was victorious with less than a minute remaining on their bomb once disarmed. Based on feedback, this game was extremely popular, and we will change the puzzle sequence and alternate it to keep things fresh each month.

Black working on the Bomb

We sent out feedback forms to all participants, and based on the responses, the next game should be much easier to plan, as part of the game plans are based on the votes in the form. While not every game worked well, we have gained valuable experience to improve the quality of future games.

Coming Up Next

We’re excited to announce that photos from the event will be up on our homepage soon. Keep an eye out for Defrowe Airsoft’s videos on YouTube as well—they’ll capture the event in all its glory.

Now, we’re gearing up for the next series of games on 24th November at Pentagon, a private rental field at Survival Game BATTLE. We’re taking your feedback from the form we sent out, so these upcoming games will be custom-tailored to what you, the players, want.

Thanks again to everyone who joined us—we can’t wait to see you all next month!

If you haven’t already, consider becoming an elite member. Not only will you receive an exclusive patch, but you’ll also get 10% off all future charter game fees.

See you on the field!

Potential Changes

These changes are pending and will be finalised hopefully in time for the next game.

Kilo 01 Introducing Game Modes

Randomised Teams

One aspect that came up a number of times is that people have sub groups. While we are a community, we want to give people a chance to get to know other members, work in different teams and communicate better. While we saw one team communicating well, using radios and discussing tactics, we saw the other somewhat struggle to work together. As a result, we will be randomising teams for the next event in the morning to get people out of their comfort zone/friend group and get them to interact with other people.

In addition, some game modes will be overhauled to work better based on the community feedback.

Shorter Breaks

Getting people to focus on loading up and prepping for the next game is the hardest part. This often leads to the schedule being delayed and planned games being cancelled.

As a result, stricter time management will be enforced with briefings and games starting with or without all players. Once a players misses the start of a game or two, we are hoping they will work on shortening their preparation time as to not make everyone else wait for them.


Game Roles

Nineteen Briefing Teams

Afternoon games generally are more tactical as we step things up, we will feature ranks and roles for teams.

Each team will have the following

  • Team Captain
  • Team Lieutenant (Second in command)
  • Assault Team
  • Support Weapons (LMG Gunner)

 For some game modes.

  • Medic (Game Dependant)
  • Radio Operator (Game Dependant)
  • Electronics & Bomb Disposal (Game Dependant)


We think that adding specific roles can make some people’s kits, loadouts and skills useful in the field. This will be particularly helpful when teams need to split into alpha and bravo squad to complete objectives.

Prepaid System

One significant time-saving aspect we’ve found is prepayments. When people pay in advance via PayPal, credit card, or wire transfer, the check-in process is much smoother, as they only need to provide their name.

While prepayment is only required for irregular attendees or new participants, it would greatly help if regular members and elite members could also prepay. This makes the check-in process much quicker and easier for us.

Prepayment is necessary for new or irregular attendees because, unfortunately, no-shows are a common issue, which can result in our leaders covering costs for missing participants. By having these groups prepay, it helps alleviate the financial burden on our organisers.


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Former Special Forces and LMG specialist, I lived in 30+ countries, leading squads and executing solo operations. Now, as an autistic veteran, I'm adapting to civilian life.